An Immune System Is Key To Your Health

The Immune System

Imagine the walls of the house in which you live with all that is inside. These walls may be made of sun-dry bricks, or cement, or stones or a combination of these, held together by concrete, steel rods, and bars in windows and doors. Its solid structure prevents unwanted invaders from the outside. The walls require constant maintenance to continue to act as a defense, otherwise, they will become weak and the slightest force or attack can cause them to break, allowing unwanted guests inside.

Think of an immune system as the walls defending your body. The immune system is a complex collection of cells, chemicals, and processes that are continuously defending your body against invading pathogens, including viruses, toxins, and bacteria. Caring for and maintaining your immune system all-year-round is key to preventing infections and diseases.

How can you build and maintain a strong immune system?

You can build and maintain a strong immune system through lifestyle choices and habits such as:

  • Eating nutritious foods
  • Having adequate amounts of sleep
  • Exercising regularly
  • Adopting healthy social behaviors

These constitute the four pillars to keeping your immune system healthy and strong. Scientific research shows that supplementing balanced diets with certain vitamins, minerals, herbs, (for example, HemOxide) and other substances can strengthen and boost your immune system activity, in general, thereby protecting you against infections and diseases.

How does this relate to Covid-19?

It is important to note that even with a healthy immune system, proper hand and respiratory hygiene (cough etiquette), social distancing, and generally obeying the recommendations of experts are factors that can prevent you from being infected with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus which causes COVID-19. Also, critically question information relating to its origins, cure, remedies, etc., by checking authors, and scientific evidence (especially when it comes through social networks).

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